اسئلة كفايات المعلمين انجليزي
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Q1           Score:  11.11
 A) longer
 B) shorter
 C) more general
 D) more specific
Q2           Score:  11.11
 A)- observable and measurable
 B)- observable but not necessary measurable
 C)- focused on the instructor's teaching strategies
 D)- focused on the student's behavior over a period of time
Q3           Score:  11.11
Q4           Score:  11.11
 positive transfer
 negative transfer
Q5           Score:  11.11
 Use of dialogues with picture strips
 Prioritzes explicit grammar teaching
 Focus on grammar via inductive instructions
 Focus on vocabulary through drills and repetition
Q6           Score:  11.11
 A)- not comment on very error to avoid discouraging the student
 B)- highlight every error so they improve and know their mistakes
 C)- give them mandatory dictation in every class
 D)- allow as much group work as possible
Q7           Score:  11.11
 A)- not comment on very error to avoid discouraging the student
 B)- highlight every error so they improve and know their mistakes
 C)- give them mandatory dictation in every class
 D)- allow as much group work as possible
Q8           Score:  11.11
 impromptu dialogue ( students are paired and engage in spontaneous speech )
 Blogging (students pubish a blog article on a choice of topics provided by the teacher )
 Reporting (students are given 20 minutes to review current events on an area on interest and are asked to give an oral report to the class )
 Self-introduction (students are given questions beforehand and asked to answer them and present them to the class and answer my questions from the audience)
Q9           Score:  11.11


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