Animal Encyclopedia
Humpback whale
Humpback whales are large baleen whales that are found in all oceans around the world. They are known for their acrobatic behavior, such as breaching and lobtailing. Humpback whales are also known for their complex songs, which can last for up to 20 minutes.

Humpback whales are the second largest baleen whale species, after the blue whale. They can grow up to 52 feet long and weigh up to 40 tons. Humpback whales have a distinctive hump on their back and long, pectoral fins. They are black on the back and white on the belly.

Humpback whales are filter feeders, meaning that they eat small crustaceans and fish by swimming with their mouths open and filtering the water through their baleen plates. Humpback whales can eat up to 4 tons of food per day.

Humpback whales are migratory animals, meaning that they travel long distances between their feeding and breeding grounds. Humpback whales typically breed in tropical and subtropical waters and feed in colder waters.

Humpback whales are listed as endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. The main threats to humpback whales are hunting, ship strikes, and entanglement in fishing gear.

There are a number of things that can be done to help humpback whales. We can support organizations that are working to protect humpback whales, such as the World Wildlife Fund and the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society. We can also reduce our consumption of seafood, which helps to reduce the demand for fishing gear that can entangle humpback whales.

Humpback whales are amazing creatures that play an important role in the marine ecosystem. By taking steps to protect them, we can ensure that they continue to thrive for generations to come.

Here are some additional facts about humpback whales:

Humpback whales are the largest songbirds in the world.
Humpback whales can travel up to 10,000 miles per year.
Humpback whales give birth to a single calf every two to three years.
Humpback whales can live for up to 50 years.
Humpback whales are a popular tourist attraction and can be seen in whale watching tours around the world.